Mine depends on the news... comprehension depends on idiocy of the information spewer. On any given day of a GOP presidency, mine goes from -300 to +170. With last week, I will owe IQ points for about 271 years. 😜
You don't eat them?
Do you know the mushroom guy?
He had 2 mountains of dirt that had been nuked and treated one with mushrooms and it grew vegetation again
He treated his 86-year-old mother's breast cancer😻
Im about ready to tip a 🐄
I thought I would forage but had a dream with rattlesnakes😱
Each 15 points above or below 100 represents one sigma or standard deviation. An IQ of 130 in theory puts that person in about the the top of the 97th percentile. Above 130 or below 70 that the numbers are functionally meaningless but there is no actual maximum number.
P2: XYZ is where it always is.
P1: How many seconds do I need to fail?
…I’ve forgotten where I put it.
What do you do with your mushrooms?
Do you know the mushroom guy?
He had 2 mountains of dirt that had been nuked and treated one with mushrooms and it grew vegetation again
He treated his 86-year-old mother's breast cancer😻
Im about ready to tip a 🐄
I thought I would forage but had a dream with rattlesnakes😱
Highly Gifted
130 – 144
115 – 129
Above Average
85 – 114
70 – 84
Below Average
Below 70
Lower Extreme