And somehow people are out here now saying Kamala should be out here speaking up. Like, what would she say NOW that she didn’t say before? Thanks for sharing this as I’m not on TT.
Right? Hillary was voted Most Admired Woman in America 20 times.
And then she ran for President and became “unlikable”.
Everyone’s hero, Jon Stewart said she was “untrustworthy” when her opponent was Putin Puppet!!
It's the same shit they shoveled at Michelle Obama, who was insulted and defamed for 8 years: "Where is she now?? Doesn't she care about this country?!" FUCK Y'ALL. These assholes who voted 3rd party or STAYED HOME want the Black woman to save their asses.
It’s why I don’t buy that they’d vote for MO if she ran. WADR to her well-deserved popularity and all-around awesomeness, in terms of governmental and organizational experience Kamala had much more, yet they wouldn’t vote for her. They’d find a way not to vote for MO too.
“I would vote for Michelle Obama” stinks to the same extent as the “campaigning with Liz Cheney” attack. It sets off my BS meter and I know that people are only saying that as an excuse, bc they know their actual beliefs will be challenged.
Same reason i don't trust they'll even vote for aoc. As far as i can tell the only reason they bang with her now is because of bernie. The idea of her helping bernie get in somewhere.
Of course not. They just want to BLAME HER for not signing up for more ABUSE. Also, there's the dusty trope of not believing women when they say NO. She has said countless times that she's never going to run for anything. Folks refuse to believe her when they want to put her in the crosshairs.
People with nothing better to do than tell a Black woman what to do with her life. Put her back in the firing line, while they stay comfortably at home and complain...
They are waiting for Black people to put their bodies first for their “revolution” and that’s not going to happen. If white people want it that bad then they need to do the work. They obviously don’t want it that bad cause they love being lazy.
Well, they can enjoy their laziness w/o Social Security or healthcare, with our international reputation turned into a dumpster fire, and with our FELLOW CITIZENS deported w/o cause.
Comfortable white people: absolutely the worst thing EVER to happen to this country.
I think SocSec is what will rouse many of them. They truly believe it can’t ever be taken away. Once they figure out it can and will be, then they will recognize they have real skin in the game.
I honestly don’t think anything will change their mind. Their kids will die, they’ll be homeless, and they’ll eat dirt. As long as they die, white and Christian, they’ll be happy.
A thousand moments of, 'this will be what gets to them'
Nah, we wish but that ship sailed, as long as they can be convinced that others will suffer they are ok w it all.
What keeps pounding in my head is that WE'VE ALREADY HAD 4 YEARS OF TRUMP. No corrupt shit he does can be a surprise anymore. While it's worse now b/c Putin's pulling the strings, he's the same greedy, heartless fucker & people DIDN'T FREAK OUT @ THE IDEA OF HIM BEING PRESIDENT AGAIN. I don't get it
I agree, she shouldn’t have said that, but y’all act like Biden was sending your children off to war. I want you to tell me how exactly Joe Biden made YOUR LIFE worse. I’ll wait.
That’s not an answer to my question. Regardless, anyone who genuinely gave a shit about Gaza could see that preventing Trump from winning would have done a lot more for Gaza than some bullshit protest vote.
Again, I want you to answer my question: How did Joe Biden make your life or the lives of people around you demonstrably worse? Your premise is that it was valid to abandon Harris over support of Biden. I want to know how Biden was so bad that people felt risking Trump was preferable to Biden 2.0.
Did I say “you” when I discussed people who protest voted? No, I said “anyone.” I wasn’t accusing you of anything, I was discussing the general attitude of those for whom Gaza comes off as their one issue, and how they’re hypocrites. I was disputing the logic of that position, not accusing you of it
They’re not accusing you of not holding that position. They’re scrutinizing whether or not your position is actually useful when all it achieves is help elect a man who wants to develop the Gaza Strip.
Y’all won though, so I don’t understand how y’all aren’t happy. You held signs, gave cute nicknames and said “don’t vote for this bitch” but then you’re not happy under trump. It doesn’t make sense
I'm tired of maga claiming they voted for Harris when they can't even spell her name and display obvious disdain. Stop with the bs. We all know who you voted for by your right wing propaganda statement. Just own up to it. Fafo
That has never been how a majority white country has ever worked. It's not just voting and not voting. What people CONSTANTLY say online true and not....makes the exact kind of difference as voting/not voting. lol
And considering the problem was white people voting, not voting AND spreading misinformation as much and as fast as humanly possible. Yay. Yall fucked up in any and every possible category. lol
They give Bernie every benefit of the doubt. He literally lied about being able to legalize weed through executive order, and yet they still believe he’s more credible than Harris saying she’d fight for a $15 minimum wage.
Aka, Bernie’s order wouldn’t make it legal for users in states where it’s illegal, it would only allow drug smugglers or those involved in other federal crimes to avoid prosecution. That policy would reward drug dealers and organized crime, not recreational users.
…Then that’s not legalizing weed, save in federal-level drug bust cases, which would be the only ones that the FBI would investigate. Unless it involves smuggling across federal borders, the vast majority of weed violations are the jurisdiction of states or cities.
Hate to say it, but in many Democrat Americans’ minds, Bernie’s Jewish roots are antivenom to the privilege of his male whiteness. So he has a “clean slate” to Dems who think that way. Not saying I agree, necessarily; just pointing out something to consider.
IMO, Harris likely did NOT lose the Election. Increasing Evidence, including trump's Admission, is showing that Musk and his People, almost Certainly Rigged the Election in trump's favour.
Anyone who takes offense at what she says is a self-excusing asshole and is the reason we're circling the fucking drain after Trump being in office barely TWO MONTHS.
Harris ran a great campaign. She got her message across, but certain people didn't want to hear it FROM HER, a brilliant Black woman
Many young Dems like you want to stick to purist ideal principles. I understand. Nothing wrong with that. Many *experienced* Dems want to WIN. Thus, the experienced Dems choose to wear blinders to Bernie’s white maleness. It’s not necessarily right, but it is the truth.
(Thanks for the "young", but I like my SocSec & Dems need to fight for me to keep it) Bernie ran 2x and was soundly defeated each time. He's not saying anything we haven't already heard from better, more inclusive politicians. He'll be 87 in 2028, if he lives that long. Enough w/ the old Dems!
Wait wait... We told her "NO Genocide", she said her policies are in line with the Biden Administration and that she will stand with Israel. Her loss has ZERO to do with Bernie or anyone else, it had to do with HER. Also, the numbers dont lie, she would have lost even with Green Votes...
Jill Stein had genuinely never won a single statewide or even major municipal election. Her VP pick was openly transphobic. She’s a hack and a grifter, and taking her as good faith is a mistake.
Typical Liberal comeback... Harris was for Genocide and Walz was ok with it as well... but look at what you clowns got AGAIN... Y, keep making excuses and we will continue to drag all of you!
Y’all act like you not voting for Harris achieved anything but electing a man who wants a ONE-state solution. There will never be a Palestinian state now, or ever. Congrats, you played a hand in that.
Way to still deflect. I voted not for Trump nor Harris who both wanted more war more Genocide. I voted for the one who was against Genocide and was for #M4A, but do keep making it all about you.
“We will continue to drag all of you” congrats, all that you’ve achieved is Trump making Gaza the Riviera of the Middle East, and sent civil rights back half a century.
I sleep well since I didn't vote for more Genocide, but those who voted for Harris should be at the very least ashamed of themselves for voting for more Genocide more lies...
due to the fact they were moving toward the Right instead of the Lefts since going Left meant no more slush funds or big Donors paying for their re-elections.
The difference is that he isn’t softening his language as his corporate donors and centrist party encourage him to chase the “winnable” Republican strays.
You’re right, he’s not saying anything she didn’t. It’s a shame he’s the only one still saying it.
I agree with everything she says except the bit about people just wanting to be told what to do by a white man.
The radical left fear anyone (particularly a black woman) succeeding with what they see as a “compromised” version of their “pure“ beliefs.
The best is the mortal enemy of the good
And then she ran for President and became “unlikable”.
Everyone’s hero, Jon Stewart said she was “untrustworthy” when her opponent was Putin Puppet!!
KH gave it her ALL, and folks said "Nah."
Comfortable white people: absolutely the worst thing EVER to happen to this country.
Nah, we wish but that ship sailed, as long as they can be convinced that others will suffer they are ok w it all.
Also the fact that he took a second term and gave us Trump.
The Federal Government (not states) has weed being illegal.
The President can order the FBI to not pursue arrests/cases where possession of weed is the only charge.
Of course the states can have their own laws.
Alexa: "In 2024, Kamala Harris attended billionaire fundraisers and campaigned on how great Biden's economy was."
He endorsed Biden too. What dis you expect him to do? Endorse Trump?
I dont like him endorsing either, but it fits his "I'll work with anyone" ethic.
Its MAGA and BLUE MAGA that follow blindly. Even Bernie can lose my support.
Harris ran a great campaign. She got her message across, but certain people didn't want to hear it FROM HER, a brilliant Black woman
You’re right, he’s not saying anything she didn’t. It’s a shame he’s the only one still saying it.
The radical left fear anyone (particularly a black woman) succeeding with what they see as a “compromised” version of their “pure“ beliefs.
The best is the mortal enemy of the good