It is definitely a classic and well beloved. That's awesome you enjoyed the remake! 😊
I myself tried Resident Evil 2 and 4HD and completed them but 2 unnerved me immensely lmao
I was actually excited for the 4 remake but noped out in the demo, couldn't do it 🤣
I myself tried Resident Evil 2 and 4HD and completed them but 2 unnerved me immensely lmao
I was actually excited for the 4 remake but noped out in the demo, couldn't do it 🤣
I skipped the demo too. My case was more just waiting to play the full game though 😂
That's completely fair. Haha.
Oh, I've watched the 3d animated RE movies, Vendetta is great.
But yeah, glad you experienced SH2 for the first time.
Whilst I'm too much of a scardy cat to play the rest of em, I am quite interested in the lore actually. I found myself watching some of ink ribbon's vids whilst I was playing 2 remake and 4 hd.