If you send me a receipt for a new donation of $30 or more, I'll write you a 1,000+ word fic of canon-era Ed/Stede smut, based on the prompt of your choice!
(I do reserve the right to ask for another prompt if your prompt includes one of my squicks, but DM me if you wanna chat about it in advance!)
(I do reserve the right to ask for another prompt if your prompt includes one of my squicks, but DM me if you wanna chat about it in advance!)
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Lis is IN FULFILLMENT MODE for #odmdcraftfair
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Donate here and you’ll be included in the final tally: bit.ly/OFMDcraft
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Donate here and you’ll be included in the final tally: bit.ly/OFMDcraft
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No worries if you get filled up with other takers.