It was a 6 inch wisecoco OLED screen bought from AliExpress during a sale/voucher event months back. Basically had been waiting for the price to drop into the ‘worth a gamble’ <$200 zone. It could be better!
Engineering a way to play it with the mask on would be an amazing project! I'm sure there'd have to be something to increase the overall size of the mask to make it both viewable and wearable but other than that, I see no obvious issues!
It was a 6 inch wisecoco OLED screen bought from AliExpress during a sale/voucher event months back. Basically had been waiting for the price to drop into the ‘worth a gamble’ <$200 zone. It could be better!
This is SO cool! I got it running with a raspberry pi setup in the mask a few years ago but the damn thing made the mask way too hot to wear for longer than two or so levels. Seeing it fully realized with the flexible OLED is so inspiring!!
Ah hell I was wondering if anyone had done this yet the other day. Kinda just assumed someone would have the second a powerful enough thing could fit inside.
you got to it first congrats!
If you don't mind sharing 🙏
I'm really happy to see stuff like this though because it was on my list of tinkering and might actually be more wearable than my S10 mask!
So I'll steal the idea (and share my findings online 😊)