his name's claire cuz his dad, jack, decided his name with his mum while she was pregnant with her. his mum passed before she could give birth to him naturally. he came to the world prematurely. jack stuck with the name claire cuz he's BEEN claire
he's the oldest son of jack and his papa adrien. jackie found love again, well claire made it happened. at 2 to 3 years old he came up with the plan to make adrien and jack meet
claire's full name sounds very french. he loves his name and he's proud of himself! he loves primary and secondary school but he hated the first year of uni (before he transferred to a new uni)
he was too trusting of his previous friendships and he became a lot wary of people. he's still the golden retriever to his black cat partner niwa though!
he got the scar on his lip cuz he skated into a pole, he's clumsy like his dad. he has scars randomly on his body mostly from falling down from his crib and falling down from the swings!
he has tattoos all over his body, he has a sleeve of random stuff he likes on one arm then his family's names on his other arm. he has a dad, a papa, 2 set of baby twins siblings, 4 dogs, and a bunny so... krkyluku