A Synopsis of Pierre Poilievre:
●He voted to cancel Veterans Disability
●He voted to ban abortions
●He voted AGAINST housing initiatives
●He voted to raise the retirement age
●He voted to slash OAS/CPP
●He voted to cancel school lunch programs
● He has stated he will slash Pharmacare and Dentacare
●He voted to cancel Veterans Disability
●He voted to ban abortions
●He voted AGAINST housing initiatives
●He voted to raise the retirement age
●He voted to slash OAS/CPP
●He voted to cancel school lunch programs
● He has stated he will slash Pharmacare and Dentacare
It’s what you call someone who cosplays, senile dictators.
Pure d*mn maga 💩 right there
Public Medical Care
Public Dental Care
Free contraceptives
Free Diabetes medications
Women’s right to choose
Canada Pension Plan
Old Age Security
LGBTQ+ rights
Rule of law
Public Education
Employment Insurance
Climate care
Care for natural resources
And more.
And a little GOOF
They only say and do the outrageous things they do because they know how reticent we are. Our apathy is part of their plan. Prove them wrong.
SANE MEN AGAINST pp - petty pollypeeve
Just select the year you're curious about and there you go. He can't hide from his record.
Politicians should not get their pensions before anybody else.
Retirement age should be the same for everybody.
He sounds nice.
When women say:
"You can't force me to raise a baby I don't want."
I say: Exactly! Now you know how men in Canada feel! Legalize #paper-abortions so we can have #abortion EQUALITY.
One small party's youth organization floated the idea 10-ish years ago but it was quickly shot down.
In any event, the concept of a "paper abortion" is what is needed to achieve 100% equality between men and women on this issue.
If men finally get that option, it makes all the other nasty stuff go away. Ex: Like men forcing a woman to have an abortion.