I’ve never met a Christian who fully believes The Bible.

Every last one of them picks-and-chooses what each verse means and which ones to believe.

It’s less a reflection of “God” and more a reflection of Christians.

Thus it is capable of incomparable evil.


Valid observations.

I've questioned timelines.

I also believe God is greater than I can comprehend, and there are things that happened in the past that have been lost to the known historical record due to man constantly wiping out historical records with each conquest.
We're constantly discovering new details of the past, including discovering older sites and structures (including indicators that there is a cavern under the Sphinx).

So I can't say how Genesis and the archeological records don't contradict each other. They do. But I don't stay up nights trying
To figure it out. I go by an adage I learned early in my spiritual journey - more will be revealed.

BTW - did you know I can work a divining rod? In some denominations, I would be cast out.
I worked with a Jehovahs witness. Insisted the bible was 100% true