If the law of the jungle applies in American politics, wrestling will also become important in education and science. Perhaps controversial scientific issues or applications for scient. Positions can be decided in the ring. In this respect, the nomination of Linda McMahon is only ‘logical’.
At least all the Dems voted against McMahon as WWE-ducation secretary. She is singularly unqualified for the role...which I guess makes her singularly qualified to serve in assistant president trump's cabinet...or outhouse...as the case may be.
So when he nominates, it's as good as him putting them directly in? Why is there even any hearing or interview? I assume Democrats have zero say?
Asking as a confused, non American.
The spineless Republican party unfortunately have the majority in the Senate where these hearings are taking place. Democrats are outnumbered in votes to block the nominees, so all they can do is complain and vote no but cannot block. Some Dems even voted for some of the candidates early on 🙄
Sadly, McMahon's confirmation is not a joke. It may spell the end of our education programs for everyday citizens. Only the children of the rich will be educated. So much for the American Dream.
Asking as a confused, non American.
(Apologies to the original artist)
Yay, Dumb.
But seriously, our children pile desks & chairs against classroom doors during "intruder" drills like they'll stop "projectiles." 😒...