This, by is probably the best reading of what MAGA's assault on Europe means and what our takeaway should be. I hope UK leaders learn this and understand that aligning themselves with Europe is the right (morally AND strategically) move here.
maybe to add; I would make it less economical and see it more in the context of cultural identity. yes the USA is worried about losing ground in Europe, but not so much as a market, but more as a friend. who else in the world has always looked at them with great admiration. Asia?Russia?
But even if its deep friendship, japan is only one of few besides europ.
It is certainly not russia, china, middle east, africa etc..
My comment was only about an addional aspect of why the US fears loosing europe and why we europeans can be flattered
the clearest view of the whole dynamics I've ever seen recently about this US-EU dynamic.