#4 Life is Strange: True Colors
True Colors is one of my favorite games ever. I love LiS but there was something about this and Wavelength that hit me in a way nothing else ever has.
#3 D&D
I’m in a bunch of games and started GMing this year and hod it became my personality EXTREMELY quickly. I love the world building and stories we get to tell at the table.
#2. Sonic Colors
I love platformers especially and I am one of the weirdos that adores Sonic the Hedgehog. Colors was easily my favorite game of the 3D Sonics and one I think about constantly. Especially Reach for the Stars.
#1. Kingdom Hearts
Really the whole franchise. It’s my favorite game series. It’s led to how I work, friends I’ve made, wild creative ideas. I freaking love this franchise.
True Colors is one of my favorite games ever. I love LiS but there was something about this and Wavelength that hit me in a way nothing else ever has.
I’m in a bunch of games and started GMing this year and hod it became my personality EXTREMELY quickly. I love the world building and stories we get to tell at the table.
I love platformers especially and I am one of the weirdos that adores Sonic the Hedgehog. Colors was easily my favorite game of the 3D Sonics and one I think about constantly. Especially Reach for the Stars.
#1. Kingdom Hearts
Really the whole franchise. It’s my favorite game series. It’s led to how I work, friends I’ve made, wild creative ideas. I freaking love this franchise.