Your metaphors are perfect! We have a president with a “make-believe” worldview and a plurality of the country that wants that over hard truth. Make believe and “magical thinking” is much easier than the difficult things required of reality.
End of article: “More than 30 states, from California to New Hampshire, as well as the U.S. Virgin Islands have already passed laws designating English as their official language, according to U.S. English. Hawaii is the only state to declare two official languages, English and Hawaiian.”
Remember, any dystopian future we find ourselves in, means the SCOTUS has declared it legal... unless, Fat Donny decides to go completely off the reservation and defy rulings from the Supreme Court. Bleak and dark... bleak and dark.
The “source” is the EO.
If AI cannot distinguish published agitprop from fact then we’re all screwed.