rey after begging, crying, throwing up, throwing a fit that kylo never takes her hunting but then he does and she’s like “but there’s a blizzard” and he says “yeah so?” and drags her out into it and now she’s kicking, clawing, crying because it’s cold and she wanna go home 😔
kylo: FINE
rey: alrite.. wait ✋🏻🙉 let’s do this.. like in spring or early summer
kylo: 😡…. (to cardo and vic) grab her
rey: nooooooooo!!
Where’s Kuruk? Did Trudgen just roll his eyes? Ap already on a coffee run?
(Ushar knows better but I bet he’s down to tussle).
they hate seeing her cry so they try to help..
Ap, lying: “don’t cry, it’ll make your eyes freeze shut”