Folks who call Trump and gang 'crazy' 'lunatic' 'delusional' etc. Do you really not know anyone with mental health challenges?
Do you not think about how dismissing evil as an illness harms those with that illness?
Do you really think that his behaviour over decades is health issue?


Exactly what I was saying today. Excuses for evil will bite this world back
There's room for both positions. Some of his behavior is clearly delusional (the transgender mice declaration, etc.) But I have maintained for years -- like, maybe thirty years -- that he is an evildoer. And as for his minions ... I simply don't know.
I don't think the transgender mice thing is delusional, it's sloppy thinking, he didn't read it/misheard it, then leaned into the outrage
And this differs from delusional how?
Because it isn't an inability to perceive agreed reality, it's laziness. He doesn't believe there are transgender mice, it's just a story that works for him
Well speaking as someone with mental health issues, I'm quite happy to suggest that Trump is a sociopath, I've known one quite well and there are strong resemblance s. The others, e.g. Vance are just cynical wankers. I get your point, but far to many people in positions of power are sociopaths.
To play devil’s advocate, one could also ask whether it’s useful to label a mental illness as demonic possession or “evil”.
Huh? It most certainly isn't. Are you suggesting he *is* in fact possessed, or mentally ill and we're just misreading it as evil? Or are you saying that all evil is possession or mental illness?
Confused, Cardiff
None of those. As I expect you can guess, I don't believe in 'possession'. And I'm not qualified to assess whether somebody is mentally ill or not, or whether they are 'evil' or not, because I know hardly anything about either one.
This is why I'm confused. The question of evil is tricky but I'd rather use it than 'crazy' for the power hungry men who are taking an axe to the world