我其实觉得很多人在被问及为什么投Trump的时候撒谎:把自己投Trump的理由归于经济似乎是一个很decent的回答,至少明面上大部分人还是不愿意承认自己本质上就是一个认同“he could be outlaw but she has to be flawless”的性别歧视者。包括很多人本质上就是racist但是羞于承认。
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但是怎么说呢你们都赢了选举了house Senator都赢了能不能不要再躲躲藏藏的了,I kinda of wishing all of you just get out from the closet of decency and come out as proud racist and sexist. Stop pretending so that I could have a clearer picture of how many of you exist and prepare for it.