I never knew what was so bad about it until I did it one day in Delubrum and saw that it covered the aoe markers for the Queen's attack and then it clicked
RDM's lb3 can be fixed by just removing the screen overlay with all the reddish flames, just leave the magic circle on the ground and the explosion.
But nope: let's flashbang everybody at the worst possible moment during a mechanic.
Back when Delebrum was still current content, we were doing the first boss and I thought it'd be fun to LB3. I did it just before soke major visual mechanics came up (ice crosses and the big aoe) and I ended up getting 18 people killed. No regrets
I still say it was low-key genius for the team to tease red mages with the ultima weapon battle. Who knew the heart of sabik was just a red mage with an LB3 ready.
But nope: let's flashbang everybody at the worst possible moment during a mechanic.