→New blog post:
◂How I teach ultrafiltration and selective reabsorption in the kidney▸
Through co-construction of meaning in diagrams and dialogue – without slides, activities, lecturing, or discovering.
#SciTeachUK #iTeachBio #EduSky #EduBlogUK
◂How I teach ultrafiltration and selective reabsorption in the kidney▸
Through co-construction of meaning in diagrams and dialogue – without slides, activities, lecturing, or discovering.
#SciTeachUK #iTeachBio #EduSky #EduBlogUK
I've got one question: you say "What if the diffusion distance were longer, the rate at which molecules returned to the blood would increase". Wouldn't it decrease?
Aprovecho para preguntar:
¿Para qué nivel (edad) está pensado?
¿Estos diálogos y construcción de los diagramas, los haces cuando introduces conceptos nuevos o más adelante para estructurarlos?
#eduCat #Didàctica
Gràcies, Christian.
¿Lo complementas con otros recursos a la vez como, por ejemplo, prácticas en el laboratorio?