Do you have any professional credentials? See if a European company in your field has an interest in you. Often there's options for immigration of professionals where the company feels they can't find sufficient talent locally.
I've barely left America in my life, even for vacation.
I can't even describe how repulsed and flat out enraged I am at my "fellow" Americans.
Even if another country were to take us in...we'd still have the stigma of being American wherever we go. Thanks to the dishonorable cultist redcoat scum!
I'm not saying they wouldn't right now, but what about tomorrow when Felon 47 pisses them off more? And there's only so many US citizens they will let in
well, Europe isn't exactly an immigration paradise, but at least people who find well paid work here (and there are lots of english speaking jobs for qualified people) the boarders are still open. And many Europeans like me express solidarity with US-citizens who disagree with Trump!
I don't exactly know what you are talking about, but the risk of being murdered or raped is lower than in the US according to statistics. No-go-zones might exist in Eastern Europe for people of colour or for LGBTQIA+ but most of the bigger cities there are also safe for those groups.
Well, I'm referring to statements that eu police officials and eu politicians have made , I was asking a person from the eu wich is more trustworthy than a politician, so take your insult and piss off with it , I was asking a question not making a statement
ah ok, now I see where you get your information from... Daniel Pipes meforum is actively promoting islamophobia and not a reliable source. And their "information" is "confirmed" by EU-politicians from the extreme right.
No no, that was just a quick source I found , if you want the paliment speech for UK that is available , the united nations debate over it is censored, but I think I can find it , it was a legit question
The problem is some of us can't afford to leave I live in my social security which this administration wants to yank away from us seniors and those with disabilities
I know... History echoes here too, unfortunately. And it's the same in present times in countries like Venezuela, Cuba, Russia, Sudan, and so on.
All the best for those of you who have to stay, even though they don't want to.
Canada will welcome you. There are more Americans in Vancouver than any other city in the world (except USA). We value your intelligence and education. You don't even have to like hockey or maple syrup. Just democracy! 🇨🇦
(Note: rarely is this a fast or easy process)
I can't even describe how repulsed and flat out enraged I am at my "fellow" Americans.
Even if another country were to take us in...we'd still have the stigma of being American wherever we go. Thanks to the dishonorable cultist redcoat scum!
There is no such thing as "no-go zones" in the UK, Amsterdam, and France. They're not real.
Every single country I referred to made a statement that no go zones is a media term and they don't refer to them as that......
All the best for those of you who have to stay, even though they don't want to.