That my mom nags and worries me about random stuff such as today's annoyance "Why do you keep shaking your leg like that?" (sewing machine knee) "that's how people act when they are withdrawing from drugs"
My mom is one of those people who talks about "drugs" like there is just one drug and it […]
My mom is one of those people who talks about "drugs" like there is just one drug and it […]
Strangely my mom is more worried about pot (which is legal where I live, and I don't imbibe anyway) than meth and fentanyl which are rampant where she lives (and most red states for that matter).
This is my mom exactly. She is a shut in and knows only what she sees on Facebook, TV, and surfing sketchy local news sites. It just feeds her inherent fears and anxieties. The election has her all amped up about "immigrants," despite our own ancestors having been chased out of most […]
I know it doesn't help that I say things like "nearly everyone is on drugs, caffeine is a drug"
I […]
but it brings my inner obnoxious teen self to the surface. complete with dramatic eye rolls posing and sighing.