Depending on your job you probably have in the past made compromises. Maybe to keep your job. Maybe to survive. This is a bright line. If you are asked to be the one to update the table don't let it be your fingers typing those changes.
If you can't just say "No I won't do that." Stall, run […]
If you can't just say "No I won't do that." Stall, run […]
- Take the time to do exhaustive estimates of how long it will take.
- Come up with multiple different implementations.
- Ask the architecture team to review the implementations.
- Request input from the platform […]
- Emphasize to the product owners how much this feature will cost versus the value it will add.
- Now is a perfect time to tackle those high risk […]
It was proposed to them in sheepish way. They said it would be a lot of work, not add anything of value, and […]
on the Banality of Evil (and how thinking is hard)
This can be very scary and if you are thinking "but I could be fired" I understand that. Ask for help. Talk about it outside of work or with people you trust […]
It's the whole "we're just doing it to go along with what's happening now" ethos that I think might hold the most little victories for us.
So many terrible things happen because of people just going […]
It’s so easy to think, “all I did was place one little cog over here in a quiet place, I sure it doesn’t matter” when you aren’t close to where the machine is grinding people up in a horror of blood and violence. That’s what they count on to get the machine built. If you really […]
Malicious Compliance isn’t just a good name for a band.