I need to find a good excuse to tell my students about all of the secret hidden rivers of NYC.
You see, before the city was developed there were streams and brooks all over the place. Why do they call it BROOKlyn? Ever think about that?
Anyways, when people drained the intertidal swamps and […]
You see, before the city was developed there were streams and brooks all over the place. Why do they call it BROOKlyn? Ever think about that?
Anyways, when people drained the intertidal swamps and […]
the city I live in is tiny compared to NYC (especially in terms of population), and in a "semi-arid" climate, and yet, there are several places I can walk to where streams have been completely built over. (Occasionally this becomes a problem.)
From my own home landscaping experience, I learned Living water is incredibly powerful, and its urge to live can split boulders, eat through iron, and cleave the earth in two. You can nudge it to go where you'd like it, but unmanaged it will outlast all your puny efforts.
Though […]
2nd: There is an old stream I have tracked back through the USDA aerial survey in the late 1920's-30's. It starts as a spring that is/was used by several houses on the ridge above as part of their water supply, one […]
But also see if it would be possible to make it flow again. It will not be easy since it would cut through about 5-6 properties and across 2 […]
They still feed the trees, though not as well.
It would be possible to daylight portions of the brooks again in parks, they could surface for a bit then go back under. I happen to like this idea very much.
If you look for the […]
Underground Rivers Of New York City: Secrets Beneath The Streets
Have you seen this?
From Putney Bridge to Nine Elms Reach
We cheek to cheek were dancing
Her necklace made of London Bridge
Her beauty was enhancing
The ability to manage and work with […]
The water will flow.
Fascinating about what can be found below the streets and pavements.
Exactly how plants detect water and direct root growth towards the water (hydrotropism) is still surprisingly elusive. Why not 'hearing'!
If you are interested this paper gives a nice history and overview of how […]
Canal St had an actual canal, and the Hutchinson River is still flowing.