Not for even onecmillisecond
All anyone had to do was a simple google search after he descended that escalator, for God’s sake
He’s ALWAYS been a crook & scammer
Jesus H Christ
Even if he wasn't a goddamn criminal, he's still a disgusting pig and fucking moron. I will never understand what some people see in him. It's just gross.
The mofo ran for president three times and reached 50% of the vote exactly zero of those times. Somehow he parleyed these results into 8 years in the White House. Nobody fails upward like this mofo.
For me, it's not a source of pride, it's just common sense. You'd have to be an absolute nitwit to have ever thought he was anything other than a deeply flawed malignant narcissist.
I'm not proud of never sticking a needle in my eye to see what happens either.
I was out before trump, but I would have never voted for him regardless. I'm ashamed that I voted for Bush. I voted for Obama secretly the first time. The second time I was thinking for myself and didn't care who knew.
My father died when I was only 19. I am so glad that my young foolish self heard and heeded the important lessons he taught me about honesty, integrity, self respect, & avoiding people who didn’t share those values. I wish he could know how his values shaped mine in the short time we had together.
In the 1980s a friend's brother started a nightclub in NYC to compete with the nightlife. It was invitation only w/invitations being art. Tr*mp tried to get in w/o an invite & was refused entry repeatedly. Anyone who was alive or anyone hated him then & hate him now.
Trump is 💩
I am proud to have been sounding the alarm against the Republican agenda since Gingrich and his “Contract With America”. My friends & family got tired of my outspoken agitation, and I take no pleasure in saying “I was right” (oh, how I wish I were wrong!) but I am proud my critical thinking skills
It was the other morons.
All anyone had to do was a simple google search after he descended that escalator, for God’s sake
He’s ALWAYS been a crook & scammer
Jesus H Christ
Connecticut knew who and what Donald Trump was because he was always in the New York newspapers and we read those.
Hey, more power to you!
I'm not proud of never sticking a needle in my eye to see what happens either.
Trump is 💩