I've been asked to give a talk about Software Craftsmanship so I'm reading up on the history. Currently feeling rather upset and excluded. So many gendered references. "As aspiring crafts*men*..." I don't remember being this angry about it at the time. Did I change or is the world different now?
To quote Mr Zappa: "Movements are stupid"
* based on skill, not sex
But it historically wasn't the case 😐
Craftsperson or crafter are both easy to use and inclusive.
The problem is those with privilege don't tend to realise they are excluding as it doesn't affect them
If push back is that it doesn’t matter, I have to ask: If it’s not important to you, why not stand aside? Why not believe the person who says it matters?
I personally have better things to do with the limited time I have in my life than trying to enact change in an uphill battle. Not important enough for me. YMMV
We just accepted that was how it was…
And the world is slowly changing