for the people asking of the results, I don't remember but it I was an autistic child and Italy in the early 2000s didn't even consider us real...
also the IQ test it's a disproved and stupid method to measure intelligence, that also only focus on neuro normative brains
also the IQ test it's a disproved and stupid method to measure intelligence, that also only focus on neuro normative brains
They're racist ableist nonsense.
And i hate when people mention their iq like it means anything.
I wish we would stop using nazi science to try and measure worth.
It's just gross. >_<
IQ tests are somewhat questionable, but the "interpretation" or the results is where the real damage is. Instead of "the number", they can hint to certain individual abilities (i.e.: logical reasoning) that people could further develop and put to good use.
Good time, goooooood time.