Depends how people find the page. If they’re navigating themselves, B covers your brand and likely gives users more of what they want. If it’s a performance ad, then A because it’s a short hook and value is right in the center.
Assuming you don’t have test volume, you can do both in the same view.
You need the input box. Assuming the goal is to get an email address, it’s fine to include the brand, header, and email capture above the fold. If you did just CTA, you’d have some kind of scroll behavior?
Do you think your customers need the on page content to convert?
I personally wouldn't mind it, but I would want to reduce friction as much as possible for an audience. So if your main goal is getting people on your waitlist, I would keep the email just so it's one click rather than two. BUT you could run tests with your designs and see which one works best 😄
what do you think about just including the CTA button? without the input
Assuming you don’t have test volume, you can do both in the same view.
Do you think your customers need the on page content to convert?