So...I think the For Rent bug not only killed my Legacy save but also corrupted Dodeka's household beyond repair. I cannot move them anywhere (not even to a new save!) without hitting an endless loading screen. and I on discord be like:
I miss Dodeka and your legacy!:(
But honestly, I think this bug just hit critical mass of unavoidable because I don't know a single person anymore who has residential rentals where they haven't corrupted the save. It's a crime they're still selling the pack at full price
when something like this happened I had to move to another save, but i know you did that not too long again. It's just a lot of work D:
If you lose years of stories and progress, that just SUCKS.
I had issues and infinite loading screens on small saves myself because of rensidential rentals...
Hopefully you guys will find a solution. 🤞