This route is interesting, I traced it on Google Earth once. I've never seen a rail route go through so many high plateaus and mountains and deserts. The Tian Shan are substantial. There's a reason it hasn't been built yet.
It is not even subtle way to show the world that it is China and not Russia which is calling the shots in a region where Moscow was the dominating force for the last 200 years. Even the tightly-controlled Chinese media isn't shy from being absolutely gleeful about this development.
Russia is about to lose dominance in about half the country. Soon China will just annex the former Russian Far East. Imperialism comes around then goes around.
Yes, Russia is a has been because unlike China which focused first on becoming an economic superpower before a military on Russia thought they could skip a step and become a military superpower first. Soviet Empire fell first but Putin learned nothing and is taking the same route.
catchee monkey.
There was a very viral video in china about taking big chunks of siberia and kamchatka in chinese social media.
Nothing happens there without a reason.