Trump is demanding Saudi Arabia and OPEC to drop the oil price in order to stop the war in Ukraine.
This demand is reminiscent with the 1980s, where Saudi Arabia significantly increased oil production, eventually driving down the oil price and contributing the Soviet Union to economically implode.
This demand is reminiscent with the 1980s, where Saudi Arabia significantly increased oil production, eventually driving down the oil price and contributing the Soviet Union to economically implode.
Looks like someone needs to tell you,
Oil price will follow american egg prices.
2) if Europe fully enforced the price cap, Russia would be getting $60/barrel.
3) with Brent at ~$78, OPEC (russia member of OPEC+) would need ti accept a $20/barrel drop to have a larger impact than Europe enforcing price cap.
This will mean that Russia would become virtually out of customers for its energy.
You are all reaching for “signs”
Donald will do his theater and come back to Russia helped us,(bpd)%20by%20December%202025.
From "ending the war in 24h" ...
over "China has to end this war" ....
to "demand OPEC to stop being a cartel".
He's totally clueless and won't stop this war.
Also the Saudi's are pretty reliant on U.S military equipment
and some Military intervention.
Now that the Houthi's are re-designated as a Terrorist organization.
That could incentivize the Saud since it's their conflict.
However Russian oil price is already capped.
Oil glut is coming in 2025 glut of oil production looms. Bad news for Putin as price will slump
Could be a really fast way to stop Putin. It would cost the Saudis a lot of money though. But if Trump threatens to cut them off from weapons deliveries, it could work.
The point is to shift blame to Ukraine in the long run.
Pretend to strong arm Putin into a peace deal.
Putin proposes a ridiculous bullshit offer. Trump claims he used his leverage to get a deal out of Putin.
Trump claims Ukraine is being unreasonable and threatens to cut aid.
Putin gives Trump a good boy kiss.
Replace Ukraine with Saudi Arabia in this case
Is this the demand you reference?
US fracking CANNOT compete with how cheap Saudi oil is. The only reason the US is exporting so much today is that the margins allow for profitability.
Too much lower and US producers will go bust.
He’s not that complicated.
But for everyone else.
And investment scheme it could very well be. America for sale.
Not America first.
It's all a performance. Trump backs Putin to the hilt.
Saudi Arabia / OPEC won't do shit just some orange man is telling them to do so.
After Crimea, Obama lowered the price of oil to $35, but under Trump, oil soared to $70.
In the 80s, the discovery of oil deposits off the coast of Norway caused oil prices to collapse.
#RussiaIsATerroristState committing a full-scale genocide in plain sight.
It is our duty towards Humanity to help 🇺🇦 win the war.
Whatever victory takes, right now 🔥
We want Ukraine to win or nah?
It's dirty but Ukraine Soverignty is the goal.