The reason I take anti-trans misinformation so personally is because science was so central to my transition journey.
A thread on medical decision making in a trans context.
A thread on medical decision making in a trans context.
J. K. Rowling with her anti-trans nonsense reminds me of anti gay zealots who we later find out were in denial that they were gay.
In my teens and twenties I had severe mental health struggles around depression, suicidality, and anorexia/bulimia.
Where does being trans come in?
Suddenly, my depression and eating disorder got better. I was able to work again and I had my first healthy romance.
In medical parlance, my symptoms became sub-clinical.
I still had symptoms (I still felt bad about my body, struggled to shower, and thought about self-harm), but I was functioning.
I didn't think: "Am I a man, deep down inside?"
I did think: "Given that wearing men's clothes alleviated some symptoms, is it possible I'd see further improvement with medical transition?"
But, here's the interesting thing: I didn't trust it.
I was neutral to uncomfortable as a boy
but good to neutral on being a girl
I kept looking at the neutrals and that i wasnt always feeling bad when living as a guy nor always happy as a girl
turns out sometimes good is better than never