“ Ah… No. ” Her tone wavered as her lips forced into a halfhearted smile.
Her focus on him began to drift away, her eyes lingering on some of the incinerated bodies.
“ A hospital…? A cage… That doesn’t… ” Her words trailed off as she snapped her attention back to the young man before her.
Her focus on him began to drift away, her eyes lingering on some of the incinerated bodies.
“ A hospital…? A cage… That doesn’t… ” Her words trailed off as she snapped her attention back to the young man before her.
Reposted from
Aster Blythe
(6) It’s a mental hospital. My mind has rattled out of its cage! Talking about cages, you freed me. I’m not trapped anymore! So thanks for that! Well, I’m probably gonna die, but I don’t mind if it means I’m free…Is that why you’re here? To free us?”
She glances past him, she can hear movement approaching.
“ This place might not hold up for long. That blue fire burns any matter like paper. ”
“ Besides, if this place is a cage as you say, you should probably get a move on. I can get you out of here. ”