Here's an interesting thought on Mark Carney as a potential prime minister...
He was appointed as the Governor of the Bank of Canada in 2008 to navigate Canada through the most serious global economic crisis since the great depression of the 1930's by the government of the day.
He was appointed as the Governor of the Bank of Canada in 2008 to navigate Canada through the most serious global economic crisis since the great depression of the 1930's by the government of the day.
I believe Mark Carney would be the first Prime Minister in generations who would truly put country ahead of party.
I, personally, think he would make a fantastic Prime Minister and Leader for Canada no matter what party banner he ran under.
If F'elon buys this for Poilièvre we're permafucked and Elon's Apartheid dreams will all come true .
It's going to very much be a case of pissing into the wind, and trying to dodge your pee...