Yep, of what I wanna make first since I have a few ideas! Granted, right now my main two contenders are dragon adventurer or bounty hunter
Yep, of what I wanna make first since I have a few ideas! Granted, right now my main two contenders are dragon adventurer or bounty hunter
Given our conversation yday if you need someone to tag in I can probably make something out of overlord asagi but that's up to you
Yes yes I know I need to bring back dragon lady hush
You say up to me, but I wanna say more you! Wouldn't want ya to make something you're not into or passionate for just for me.
For the dragon I'd be using the girl from the reaction pics I use from time to time. Bounty hunter I was thinking of one of the asagi as well.
I admit, that thought --
idk big ahh blue wings and mega revolvers sounds like something i could get behind
Well, if that's the case then go for it!
My personal thoughts for the bounty hunter was normal asagi fc, but since she will have sci-fi/modern mixed with her, that has the ability for a temporary power up transformation into this asagi