Holy F! Hiding in public behind a pulpit.
You know whom he voted for.
Predator in Chief.
The scumbag is now qualified to be nominated for a cabinet position.
Anglican Church?? Most likely a former Episcopalian who didn’t like the liberal church and joined the very conservative Anglican Communion out of Africa. None of it is by accident.
He’s 64 & didn’t just start his perversion. I’m sure he’s been a pedophile his entire adult life. The number of children & their families negatively affected by his betrayal of trust must be astounding, considering one victim is one too many 🤬.
I always say that if you want to see, hear, experience evil. Become a church member or frequent visitors. The devil lives in churches. Churches are deeply political, $ making organizations. Yes, There are the exceptions, of human integrity.
Recently, the diocese of Oakland, CA was caught trying to hide $100 Million to protect it from sex abuse lawsuits over decades...
He put that fucking shirt on and said " This looks good, take a profile photo of me wearing it " That's how we know he's a sick bastard, bc that shirt is old asf.
Beks I appreciate your effort and commitment to keep SA in the spotlight. As a therapist that worked with abused children, people don’t understand the devastating impact on child development that is carried into adulthood nor the large number of children that are SA.
How can anyone do that and how can anyone view it? I can't for the life of me imagine hurting little children like that. He deserves a mandatory sentence in a maximum security prison. Make me bologna sandwiches and drink warm water.
"Forensic analysis of those devices found them to hold more than 100 files of child porn, “including video of a young female who appears to be between 3 - 5 and years old.” This monster got off on child sexual abuse videos/images. Let's not minimize it by calling it "child porn". Glad he was caught.
Trump is a felon who engaged in insurrection and is still becoming POTUS? HOW can this happen?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? This is no democracy. This is a plutocratic oligarchy and YOU are now a fucking slave.
But, but, but he looks like my grampa!
And what kind of punishment will he get?
Maybe another move
to another church
in another state,
or another country...
where hopefully he will die a horrific death
at the hands of parents of abused kids??
This has happened to infants as well. We're talking about sexual deviants, infantophilia & pedophilia. Its a icky topic to discuss but talking about csa brings awareness & hopefully prevention
Every church that employs a convicted pedophile/sex offender should lose the "tax exempt" status.
Bet there would be immediate action by these "churches": background checks, supervision and internal policing. FFS 🤡🖕
Long sentences are not often necessary for pedos. They get put into general population with violent men who were often abused themselves. These sick pieces of monkey shit rarely survive long enough in prison to make a long sentence necessary.
I just cannot. What lab are these hideous creatures grown in, where they are then soaked in self-serving scripture and putrid politics, and let loose to prey on anything that can't outrun their foul clutches?
When is society going to reject pedophiles- and abuse of power within the church- and reject their excuses? because there is no excuse for abusing the power of trust that religion gives them
These are the people who scream about protecting children by banning queer people. In response, I say that we should keep children safe by keeping them away from churches since churches are breeding grounds for anti-child safety acts.
They need castration and not the chemical kind. Cut them off with just minimal local anesthesia and have a mirror there make them watch. Torturing and terrifying children ruining lives. These pigs deserve to feel pain and then be thrown in Gen pop for the rest of their disgusting unnatural lives.
I have a solution. It needs to be marketed right but I think we can raise money for the victims by stripping bits of flesh off them with an extra sharp potato peeler and a then cooking them up and serving them to the super rich for 10k per strip. Rich people like paying for dumb shit normal people..
The only illicit pictures a drag queen has in their possession is last years designer’s dress with a pair of 3 yr old designer shoes & a 5 yr old designer handbag. Please….
He looks like the type of guy everyone should run away from as fast as possible. No wonder why I don't belong to any religion. I'm into spiritual beliefs and keeping Earth clean and safe
You know whom he voted for.
Predator in Chief.
The scumbag is now qualified to be nominated for a cabinet position.
Church and parks pedo playgrounds.
Fuck it bullet to the brain
Literally stopping one youth pastor will make kids far FAR safer than locking down every single bathroom in the country.
Why are we so gullible and willfully blind? Why don't we actually care?
No need to respond. The answer is in every Beks post.
Not transgender.
Just a good, god-fearing pedo.
Well, good news for Frank, he may not have to wait long to meet god.
And what kind of punishment will he get?
Maybe another move
to another church
in another state,
or another country...
where hopefully he will die a horrific death
at the hands of parents of abused kids??
Holy fucking perverts sanctimoniously preaching while disguising their lecherous purpose.
Something is wrong with them.
Bet there would be immediate action by these "churches": background checks, supervision and internal policing. FFS 🤡🖕
Give him the weight..
We don't need more predators on our streets -
They should be stoned to death. Very biblical.
Pucker up, you sick fuck.
No, a church person ❗️❗️
Being a "church leader" is the perfect cover for these perverts.
If anything should be banned, it us religions.
"Religion" is poison to the mind.
I am not surprised purity culture communities create guys and girls like him at well over 1000 times the rate as non purity culture communities.
My children will never set foot in a church.
I hope he goes to jail. I hope he gets an STD and his ass falls off.
gee, all my perps (plural) were Jesus people...
❌ Immigrant
❌ Banned book
❌ Lib weather machine
✅ Pasty white
✅ Christian
✅ Conservative
✅ Youth pastor
Men Assaulting Girls Again