I watched the whole thing when it came out. I was 16. It's all online free. Google it. The seeds of my anti imperialism anti entire US government planted for life. Every genocidal war has not been on TV since. They never end. The empire just keeps us from seeing 👀
Heres the text for the last chapter of Schumer’s book:
He will be forever remembered as the coward that ignited the US civil war and dragged a once thriving nation into 3rd world status led by endless dictators wielding murderous power. No nation ever fell so far, so fast as the one he betrayed.
Lawless and corrupt certainly fits the Congress & WH. I don’t know how, but it’s time to do something to stop this robbery of our citizens to satisfy the greed and evil of the current WH and the entire GOP.
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The state hasn’t become lawless or corrupt. A capitalist nation elected a capitalist pig. This is the system working as intended with the legal election process. Wake the fuck up people and remember where you live. This is America. Nothing more.
Trump: vs resistence
Even if the resistence were doomed to failure
even if collaboration were the only way to survive
you have no right as an American to follow that path.
Better that America die than live in mortal sin.
Accepting collaboration with Trump is a mortal sin.
Most Americans have no idea what is happening and what we are losing, nor do they have any idea what to do.
We must educate them how to #Resist and why. There is
#Rage building.
Most elected dems have proven themselves to be cowards (or are bought by PACS/ looking out for their careers), not all of the constituents are. I'm not.
No. It was boomers that lead the yes vote and millennials who are the most defiant. Conflict resolution teaches compassion. Compassion teaches self worth. Self-worth provides the character to stand up to fascism. Boomers routinely hate themselves, never fix it, blame others.
I'm boycotting businesses that donated to Trump but it's not enough. I've written to my so-called Reps but they're corrupt & complicit. I'm considering how to become ungovernable.
It is not enough to simply reinstitute the same constitution. We must ensure this can never, EVER be allowed to happen again. The government should not be controlled by greed. People should not have to spend their entire lives working for no benefit at the end.
And remember that resistance requires disruption.
Disruption doesn't have to be violent.
It takes imagination, courage, and prep.
So be brave, do something different, and happy resisting!
Yas! Resources!
Speaking of...
Resources sharing without the need for money exchange is also disruption to the capitalist system and a form of resistance. Organizing so everyone has their needs provided counts!
Americans who care about democracy should listen to the wise counsel of the great Mahatma Gandhi. Don’t remain mired in a state of indifference because the situation calls for a strong action.
I’m curious, wheres Antifa?
Shouldn’t this be the dream moment for them right now ?! Literally fighting fascism !
Or all they know is to break stuff while hiding in a peaceful demonstration like cowards..
Schumer wanted to avert a market crash. 90% of the stocks are owned by the richest 10%.
100% of Schumer is owned by the richest 10%.
To him, money is more important than your life. NEVER let him forget that you know this.
The Resistance is strong but it needs to start Now before we lose anymore of our government. Trump, Vance, speaker Johnson , Russell Vaught and Musk need to be permanently removed from office immediately so we can take back our government and get democracy back on track. We Americans can’t wait.
I watched the whole thing when it came out. I was 16. It's all online free. Google it. The seeds of my anti imperialism anti entire US government planted for life. Every genocidal war has not been on TV since. They never end. The empire just keeps us from seeing 👀
He will be forever remembered as the coward that ignited the US civil war and dragged a once thriving nation into 3rd world status led by endless dictators wielding murderous power. No nation ever fell so far, so fast as the one he betrayed.
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Even if the resistence were doomed to failure
even if collaboration were the only way to survive
you have no right as an American to follow that path.
Better that America die than live in mortal sin.
Accepting collaboration with Trump is a mortal sin.
We must educate them how to #Resist and why. There is
#Rage building.
Republicans have always embraced the FAFO mentality, and this is exactly why they are literally kicking Democrats arses into submission!
Kill or be killed is the only path forward.
Disruption doesn't have to be violent.
It takes imagination, courage, and prep.
So be brave, do something different, and happy resisting!
Speaking of...
Resources sharing without the need for money exchange is also disruption to the capitalist system and a form of resistance. Organizing so everyone has their needs provided counts!
Shouldn’t this be the dream moment for them right now ?! Literally fighting fascism !
Or all they know is to break stuff while hiding in a peaceful demonstration like cowards..
Extreme negative reactions from:
(In order of reactions)
-Grumpy Old Men
-Angry Bro dudes
-Tesla Drivers
-Pick up Truck Drivers
-Mercedes SUV Drivers
Interestingly, ethic minorities had no reaction & just looked nervous.
"He who acts to save his country from tyranny, domestic terrorism, and radical right wing criminals, violates no laws.”
100% of Schumer is owned by the richest 10%.
To him, money is more important than your life. NEVER let him forget that you know this.
#EndFascists #EndOligarchs #EndNeoliberals
General Strike!