The prompt word yesterday, 09/02/2025, was:
Asking for permission
Seems hardly the move
Is it that I should not speak
Or is it not to be,truly, heard
Screaming into my pillow
Rupturing the fabric
Of society
Or is it reality
Am I to suffocate
Asking for permission
Seems hardly the move
Is it that I should not speak
Or is it not to be,truly, heard
Screaming into my pillow
Rupturing the fabric
Of society
Or is it reality
Am I to suffocate
Is not the air free
Let me espouse
The cosmos
The gravity
The center of our universe
Till all the stars fall
& Kingdom come
With authority
Of God
& veneration of Our Lady
Our Soverign Queen
In this mire of hate
We are plagued
Pestilence from Evil
“Get thee behind me, Satan”
For the love of God
As God is love
I am love
& you are love
So why not love each other
Is it so hard to extend a hand
Are we machine
Made of metal
Do we not bleed
To spill the blood of another
Or to deny love of neighbor
Is to condem the spirit
In eternal agony & damnation
Regardless of acceptance of eternity
To bring Hell on Earth
Commiserate yourself
But also our neighbors
Am I forgetting something
Should I repeat myself
What beauty our eyes would behold in one another
A reflection of the soul in delight of civilization
To be denied oxygen
Is death
Let me burn
Even if it’s in the flames of Purgatory
Or even Hell…
Till Final Judgement
I will make amends
If it is required of my soul
Let me be on fire by The Holy Spirit
Let not the spark die
Let my pilot light never extinguish
And let The Holy Spirit engulf the world
Instead of the fires we create
Burning bridges of camaraderie
Or the Earth burning by pollution
Let it be our resolution
To love
& be loved