With an elgonated nose, pale eye and nose 'mask', and long, slender tail that equals their body length, Coatis look a bit like a stretched out raccoon (to whom they are related, Gompper 1995) #2025MMM
The fig-eating bat, also known as the Cuban white-shouldered bat, has broad shoulders a short, square jaw and a short, spear-shaped nose leaf. Unlike most other bats, the membrane between their first and second fingers is transparent #2025MMM
Moonlight filters through the forest canopy of Corcovado National Park, Costa Rica as our Coati snuffles along, his long nosed buried in the leaf litter searching for one last snack before bedtime. #2025MMM
Over on the Caribbean island of Cuba, our Bat stretches a wing and scratches at her shoulder, just below the patch of pure white fur. A warm wind rustles across the surface of her green leaf tent when...WHOOSH! #2025MMM
She's suddenly mid-air in the Costa Rican forest from #MMMagic translocation! She flings out her long wings just in time, the trailing edge of her wing brushes ever so slightly against a long, fluffy...flower? #2025MMM