Yes! Thank you. I remember that campaign and the roadblocks T Kennedy created for Carter’s legislative agenda. The failure of Kennedy and the Dems in Congress to support Carter was also a large obstacle to his reelection. I never forgave Kennedy.
That's very touching Joe. Curiously, you left out his role in the human atrocities in East Timor. Also, Central America. I could go on but, don't take my word for it...
Yeah, I guess maybe you missed the part where I worked against him and helped make him a one term President. But there is a lesson in this. That got us 8 years of Reagan and 4 years of George H.W. Bush. Shame on me for having regrets about that.
Which, ultimately led to Obama right? No saint either but, there's worse. Sadly, your second opportunity - still no acknowledgement of atrocities. Mainstream eulogys to war criminals do a disservice by denying truth through omission. Sorry, but yours comes across as self-aggrandizing name dropping.
I’m conflicted; yeah he comes off as a caring &endearing, but he like the other installed presidents have sold out America to Israel. He has been working behind the scenes as a Rothschild &Rockefeller man just like Kissinger and Ronald Lauder.
His science and eng background mean he understood the frame of the house
Pounding the nails the same way a muscian does a warm up
The woodworking, always attention to detail
It can't be taught!
He was 40yrs ahead on ENV