66% of Germans support continued military aid for Ukraine. (39% yes, 27% rather yes)
Trotzdem wird m.E. klar, dass mit Waffenlieferungen allein der Krieg wohl nicht zu gewinnen ist. Russland ist zu schwach zum Siegen aber zu stark um zu verlieren. Und bei der Frage, „soll der Westen ‚all in‘ gehen, und Truppen senden?“ - 90% Nein.
54% of Germans say the goal should be Ukraine’s recapture of Russian occupied territories
41 % say it’s Preventing a further Russian advance
The 41% might have been asked if their answer pertained to the long term (endstate) or just in the short term during a Ukranian regenerative period. Their answer works for those x2 v diff scenarios.
So it definitely should be a contest of who can give the most. When the history books are written, we will be judged: Who supported Ukraine well in their time of need, and who chickened out?