Thrilled to see this article out in world!
A summary thread...
"Threat perception" gets thrown around a lot in IR - so much that it doesn't really have a clear meaning. But many of us think it's important for understanding war, coercion, crises, etc.
So what do we do? I argue 🧠s can help
A summary thread...
"Threat perception" gets thrown around a lot in IR - so much that it doesn't really have a clear meaning. But many of us think it's important for understanding war, coercion, crises, etc.
So what do we do? I argue 🧠s can help
Reposted from
International Organization
What can neuroscience do for IR? Using data from 500+ fMRI studies, shows how brain data improves our understanding of threat perception and offers new insights into its effects on conflict and coercion. #polisci #polisky #conflictsky
Def. 1: the brain's apprehension of anything or anyone likely to be dangerous (☢️ 🐲 🤒) = threat-as-danger perception
Def. 2: the brain's detection of a signal of the conditional intent to harm (🤬) = threat-as-signal perception
Note, threat-as-signal perception is a form of social cognition. Threat-as-danger perception need not involve other people.
I make the case for using meta-analyses (concordant findings from many studies) and use 15 metas leveraging 500+ fMRI studies to revisit 2 assumptions
A1 crops up in rationalist models where blood + treasure = c (the cost of conflict). But does the brain represent all harms as if they were cost-like?
No. Most harm representations are more complex than 💰 losses. Take-away: heuristic/non-value models are promising
The coercion literature emphasizes the importance of inferring the intentions of those who issue threats-as-signals
Since mind-reading is out, many theories assume that people use work-arounds, like inferring rational interests, or emotions, or traits, etc.
Instead, intentional harm inference is a specific form of social cognition that engages particular regions (amyg.), w/ consequences for how we perceive damage ☹️ and for our preferred responses 👿