He's stealing and giving data to Russia come the fuck on protect the Constitution and the country Congress hold their asses accountable. Redemption is earned not given
He claims to to be looking for over spending which is a lie he's stealing. And the orange shit stain is wasting money and abusing power and committing treason still
No. They think exactly what the US citizens have shown them.. that they can be CON'd & lied to long enough, for them to get away with looting the Nation.
Until we change Our lack of Offense, we are stuck in defensive positions, while they loot unabashedly.
“First of all, I’m going to lie to lead you to believe something outrageous is true to make you angry. You’ll need to accept that I will be feeding you massive whoppers and I don’t mean the malted kind.”
He's looking for corruption and he is standing next to it!
Trump wasted $15 million going to a Super Bowl Game!
How many millions are going to golf trips?
They aren't smart enough to get the "i".
A bunch of dumb phucks who voted for Trump because of inflation without realizing Trump's tariff will increase inflation!
Until we change Our lack of Offense, we are stuck in defensive positions, while they loot unabashedly.
All it was a comedy show complete with Dr. Evil and his Mini-Me.
I laughed thru most of the segment that I saw. Especially that segment and when he said they were being transparent.
The guy looking for corruption in the gov is standing next to it.