This is my pro-democracy starter pack.
You should give them a follow.
I’ll be adding more too!
You should give them a follow.
I’ll be adding more too!
It's 2024, yes? Would you make a god damn female friend? And not like 1 in a sea of 256545555555555 dudes?
and bad golf.
You earned a follow
It passed 219-184, succeeding by two votes.
No word on when it’ll move up to Senate as of now.
Allred, TX / Moskowitz, FL / Caraveo, CO / Panetta, CA / Case, HI / Perez, WA / Cuellar, TX /Schneider, IL / Davis, NC / Suozzi, NY / Golden, ME / Torres, CA / Gonzalez, V., TX /Wasserman Schultz, FL /Lee, NV
Here’s a tool for finding your Senator:
Focus on spreading the word first then practice your letter to your Senator so that IF and WHEN a vote date is announced, you’ll be ready.
—If you don’t want another Trumpian character (mob boss intimidator, Unitarian) in a future WH.
—If you want govt to represent US and get things done for US.
See for the solution.
Essentially a King.
I dunno, just thinking out loud 😅