Give him the files- why are they still sealed anyway? I say hand over the JFK & UAP/UFO files - who cares??? OMG. If there was CIA/Mob & specific foreign names named from decades ago- so what!!! If there’s military investigation into unknowns - so what? Of course there would be. 🤦🏻 Stop the lunatics
Have to agree. There’s a lady who lives in BC who was in the ballroom close to RFK when the shots rang out. Her testimony doesn’t match the official Washington narrative as to number of shots
Kennedy was killed by Carlos Marcelos who financed Oswald. Carlos was working for the Cuban mafia. It’s that simple. CIA had nothing to do with it. Now let’s move on from tbis QaNon BS.
Don't get me wrong, I love BlueSky, and I think RFK Jr. is a walking turd, but I think I need a vacation away from politics - it's all getting to be a bit much and fuckhole hasn't taken office yet.
JFK was killed 61 years ago and RFK 55 years ago! RFK Jr was aged 9 - 15 at that time. The people who would have been allegedly involved in such activity are either ancient or dead by now. What would be the point of such an investigation other than to stoke Jr’s paranoid conspiracy theories. (1)
I don’t think this is insane at all. Kennedy was a liberal in favor of desegregation and civil rights. And policies that pissed off a lot of important people. I don’t think they will release the information because it will implicate too many people and institutions.
Lotta people like to say shit. As far as how heads react to getting shot like that? The physics suggest he was shot from where he was said to be shot from. I guess it might be like did someone pay Lee Harvey Oswald right? But I'd be more apt to believe it was Russia not our CIA if someone paid him.
-- Someone somewhere.
Is anyone leading this group of idiots?
But there are. So keep your yap shut until all the evidence is laid out.