Praying for those in Madison, Wisconsin.
Another day, another school shooting in America.
Absolutely shameful.
Another day, another school shooting in America.
Absolutely shameful.
It’s the guns. Those people wouldn’t have been shot without the shooter’s access to firearms. When will this stop?
When will the legislature finally learn?
Maybe he’s at a drag show with the awful sinners.
Look around the world at other westernized countries how many school killings do they have?
If you can't fix this issue, then you have no hope of fixing anything else.
Political will is out the door, they benefit too much from big donors to care that you lose your kids.
I have no words!
Disgusting so called do nothing government!
Unless it's a benefit for them.
Within a few weeks there will be a similar incident and we'll be told "it's too soon" or "you're trying to politicize someone's death".
And so on and so on.
This is going to continue to happen frequently for the next 4 years minimum.
The United States of America voted to protect guns way before children.
It was destiny, it was God's will!"
Bob Dylan, Who Killed Davey Moore
Of course it has nothing to do with how easy it is to buy or own firearms
Pass a band on semi - and automatic weapons.
i wondered why so so many comments on a post about something so tragic was adults debating about genitals
#Conservatives vote for child rapists and zero gun control.
Because trunts are #SavingChildren as usual, of course🤨
Pray in one hand and shit in the other, see which fills first.
now do something about the guns
Voting for moderates in the primaries would help.
Yes shameful
Australia, we can send our kids to school without this worry. We have gun control not a ban.
Prayers help the prayer not the slaughtered!
Shame on them 😞
We are no longer being represented in our Representative Democracy.
America has failed us, and we no longer have a voice.
Corporations and Politicians who are paid by them have the voice.
Y'all prefer the waring, and we the rest of the planet are thankful for it.
But it brings its consequences.
the injured that are largely forgotten. Imagine
trying to navigate the US healthcare system with
debilitating gunshot wounds. The suffering for them must
continue for years. How many have been bankrupted by our
nations policies?
Thou Shall Not Care
It was a Christian school for hells sake!!!!
Instead of:
“Why did that child have access to a gun?”
Pray for what?😥
And the list goes on and on
Go be a journalist and investigate every person in Washington who has taken money from the NRA or any weapon manufacturer, and run an expose.
America: C’est la mort
Yay 2A.
Yah… that helps a lot doesn’t it… more school shootings in the USA than any previous years. Whatever thing you are worshipping does nothing.
As a parent, it breaks my heart.
Children should be able to get home safe from anywhere, but especially from school.