i had a hard time accepting the loneliness but then i started to enjoy being alone. i think the biggest part that helped was learning free will & being able to ignore people lol i now enjoy turning my phone on DND and sleeping all day or going out in nature to be alone
It’s hard to meet new friends in adult life, especially if you have interests and hobbies most people around you don’t share. Living in the middle of the country most people my age don’t really want to talk about video games and cartoons. Haha but hey go local sports team or something.
Yeah it can be, and with as much as we all have to work anymore that doesn't help. We have to work a lot and when we do get a break to hangout out we are all so tired.
Yep I totally get that. Had so many friendships end once university was over since we all went our separate ways and every job I’ve worked it’s only had elderly workers, very few young people and never really vibed with.
Social media has kinda facilitated this I feel. We are bombarded by others who share what we perceive to be a great social life that we wish to have. I don't have friends, never really had any. The few that did, moved on. I didn't fit in their social circle anymore. I only had friends online sadly.
Remember when you were a kid and you saw another kid and spontaneous grinning ensued; and then you were suddenly best friends? Do that. It still works.
Time to stir things up and add some heat to the mix!