Wow, the new JWST image of the Flame Nebula is absolutely stunning! The details and colors are breathtaking—it's incredible to think how much we're learning about the universe with this kind of technology!
It is approximately 1,400 light years to the Flame Nebula.
To reach this Nebula in one month's time, an Earth spaceship would have to travel at 16,800x faster than the speed of light while managing for time dilation.
This is fantastic!!! The JWST is such a miracle bringing us these beautiful heavenly images!!! Thank you to all the people who built this magnificent telescope!!
i’m not doing it on purpose and most of the time i’m in a hurry when I post these so it literally just slips my mind. i’m certainly not perfect and i’m working on it.
I do apologize for being curt with my reply... it was born out of the frustration that you've been called on this in the past, and promised to do better, but the problem remains. We must do better than the content scraper accounts.
But you are 100% correct... we can always be kind.
If you have time to post an image, and add alt text, surely you have time to copy and paste the credits. As a science educator, I would have thought crediting the folks responsible for these wonderful images would be a priority for you.
Ultimately, of course, the choice is entirely yours... but you have a large following, and I'd hope you'd use that to promote those who put in the hard work to make these images available to us.
Dare to try...
I’m an INFP :)
Thanks for sharing. 👍
To reach this Nebula in one month's time, an Earth spaceship would have to travel at 16,800x faster than the speed of light while managing for time dilation.
For this image...
But you are 100% correct... we can always be kind.
I'm glad you're working on it 🙂.