Probably shouldn't draft threads at 1:18AM but I have very little other than disgust and anger today so here it goes.
The world's richest man just seig heiled today. My community is about to lose immeasurable rights. Deportation raids are about to drastically ramp up. And what have liberals done?
The world's richest man just seig heiled today. My community is about to lose immeasurable rights. Deportation raids are about to drastically ramp up. And what have liberals done?
Gee whiz blaming one group of people for the sins of another doesn't seem to work, does it?
If you didn't vote, this one's on you.
the problems still exist.
good for the wins.
But the segregationist policy will still be here and it's not always the liberals at fault.
Or just decide I seemed upset so I must be wrong?
So don't talk to me about voting for the right person.
I did and this is what we get.
You brought up voting in the first place.
I am talking about a decades long project that liberal cities embarked on to force people out of the cities, which is helping Republicans
I used to live in Portland until it got too damn expensive and now live in a rural area because I'm not rich enough.
The votes don't matter any more.
None of it matters any more because the fascists have taken over and we're screwed forever.
And I voted. Tell me about despair.
No matter what we do the bastards always win.
Zoning for human beings is so terribly progressive and we don't want anyone to actually live in a city when we could have all that money from business coming in do we?
And in one sense, they are. Much of their creative life is lived in Denton.
But they don't live in Denton.
They live outside, where it's cheaper. They have a crap car that barely drives in the summer.
But we have "liberal" politicians who campaign on prevent the kind of housing they could afford from being built.