The SAVE Act is the most dangerous voter suppression bill in modern history…
Disenfranchising women in massive numbers is the stuff of The Handmaid’s Tale. The time to oppose this bill is now, before it can get further traction.
a person who acts obsequiously toward someone important in order to gain advantage: because he is high-ranking, he's surrounded by sycophants.
Thom always adds an extra "N' and pronounce it, SYNK-O-Phant
It’s really odd to me that You & Louise think it’s just fine to use a Program that Steals Creative People’s Hard Word & spits it up as Soulless Crap.
I can only assume you think it’d be just fine to take all your writing & feed it to an A.I. and spit it out as my own work?
👊 ✊️ M I L L I O N S ✊️ 👊