I've got one thing to say to the Mail and its Brexiter readers. You got what you wanted, now suck it up, and shut up. Alternatively, you could start campaigning to rejoin the EU or Single Market.
An equal among equals to an also ran.
What silly post imperial nostalgics they all were!
Fancy agreeing with all those British quislings who promised them gold but gave them anger instead
They are IMMIGRANTS not Ex-Pats
Since we're no longer part of the EU we join all the other non EU countries to whom rules & restrictions apply regards access & residency-many of which the UK itself was instrumental in authoring when it was a member of the EU.
There are no sunny uplands to Brexit!
@dailymail.co.uk, didn't you know what you told your readers to vote for?
Fancy that.
Btw, expats are immigrants.
The grift that keeps on giving.
#RejoinEU 🇪🇺