He was talking about the other side. The ones doing what he told them to. In his mind, he is the law. If he orders an assault, the ones who answer are the law in his eyes.
Guys you do not need to preach to the converted for two years. You need to draw a future. And it has to be better than the smoke fantasy that has evolved out of a DC right wing debate club.
He took credit for BIDEN’s work under the CHIPS act.
He’s only been in office 2 months - not long enough to have affected any such manufacturing. So it was CHIPS act passed during Biden that brought that mfg back to the US.
What are you bidding on, Trump’s approval?
They have been surrounded by protesters for the last five weeks with awesome messaging, are they not learning anything from us?
It would’ve been better if you guys just didn’t go at all honestly
You guys could’ve literally done
You could’ve thrown a public dance party with a DJ in the middle of the capital and it would have been better than this
He’s only been in office 2 months - not long enough to have affected any such manufacturing. So it was CHIPS act passed during Biden that brought that mfg back to the US.
NOW he wants to destroy the CHIPs act.
He’s hoping Americans are stupid.