“The Trump administration has canceled funding for an ongoing 30-year, nationwide study tracking patients with prediabetes and diabetes, researchers said, at a time when top officials have emphasized their determination to curb the incidence of such chronic conditions.”
They are in charge of that, but it has to be paper ballots & in-person voting, otherwise they will hack it!
Can other countries pick up on this work??
Of course, without #Medicaid or #Medicare, they may die anyways.
Ending research that will save lives is another.
Wired: Snake-oil bros
..did you speak up when they suspended the Deans for texts?
..did you support Minouche Shafikat all when they railroaded her?
with all due respect, these attacks on CU are just a continuation of those actions you didnt try to stop
Con artists and grifters all.
So far, so good in the USA.
Would you please point out the ‘good’ parts, please??
(sarcasm for those who need to be told 🙄)
Sure, discontinuing the research happens without the policy makers knowing that.